Pest Control Services with EnviroTech Exterminating of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Pest Control & Exterminator Services with EnviroTech Exterminating, Inc. Serving Broken Arrow, Bixby, Jenks and the metro Tulsa area.

Pest Control for Bed Bugs, Fleas, Spiders, Brown Recluse Spiders, Black Widow Spiders, Cockroaches, Termites, Ants, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Wasp, Rodents, Mice, Rats, Raccoons, Squirrels, Opossum, Skunk, Pigeons, Bats and other Nuisance Animal Wildlife Removal. Visit our Pest Control website.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pest Control Services: Tulsa & Broken Arrow, OK - Black Widow Spiders

EnviroTech Exterminating, Inc.                    
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
(918) 282-7621

Serving ALL Of Tulsa Metro.  Call Us Today (918) 282-7621

The Black Widow Spider!  Danger

Black Widow Spider Bite

It is the bite of only the adult female black widow spider that can be harmful to humans. Generally, a female black widow is withdrawn and timid, but at times, she will attack, such as after laying eggs or guarding them.
A black widow's bite feels like a needle puncture in the skin, but sometimes, a victim may not feel anything. Initially, the person may only observe evidence of the bite, including swelling and two tiny red spots where the fangs pierced the skin. Nonetheless, the victim usually feels pain pretty quickly, and it can last for a few days. Symptoms of a black widow bite may include nausea, fever, increased blood pressure, pain in the abdomen, back or limbs, as well as excessive sweating. In severe cases, paralysis may occur.
The venom of a black widow is a neurotoxin, which means it is toxic to a person's nervous system. People's reactions to bites can vary, depending on such factors as an individual's sensitivity, or the location and depth of the bite. Elderly people and young children are at greater risk, as are people with heart problems, compromised immune systems, or poor overall health.
If treated, these bites are rarely fatal, and there is an anti-venom available for black widow bites. If you or another person is bitten, immediately seek the attention of a doctor or visit the nearest emergency room. If possible, take the spider along for identification, even if it is not fully intact.

Black Widow Spiders Food

     Black widow spiders spin webs for the purpose of catching prey. Their diet consists of ants, caterpillars, cockroaches, grasshoppers, and other insects. Black widows are capable of surviving several months without food.
A black widow spider survives on a diet of various insects and arthropods. Their meals include beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, cockroaches, and ants, among others. If a black widow makes its home indoors, it can be found in less-frequented and cluttered areas where it can find more insects to eat.
The web constructed by the black widow is intended to catch prey. When insects get caught in the web, the spider will wrap it in silk, then inject it with venom to kill it. The spider will also inject digestive enzymes into the insect to help soften it before eating it. In a human, this type of process takes place internally. After a black widow has consumed its prey, its body actually elongates as the stomach expands.
If prey is scarce, a black widow, like many spiders, is capable of surviving for many months without food, sometimes even as much as a year. The spider has internal cavities that are able to store remnants of food.

Black Widow Spider Web

     Black widow spider webs are made with very strong silk and have irregular patterns. They are made specifically for catching prey and primarily situated near the ground in a sheltered location.
Black widow spiders spin webs to trap their prey, which consists of a variety of insects such as ants, beetles, caterpillars, and cockroaches. These webs are very irregular with no obvious pattern and look like a mass of fibers, though the silk is quite strong. An average web is about one foot across and has a small spot in the middle where the spider will wait for its prey. A web is usually situated near the ground in a dark, sheltered location.
Outside, black widows usually make their webs in protected areas, such as woodpiles, under decks and rocks, in tree stumps or other hollow places. They prefer dry areas like sheds, barns, woodpiles, or barrels.
Inside, these spiders are usually found in low-traffic areas like basements, crawl spaces, or garages. They prefer areas that are cluttered because they can find more insects to eat.
The female will spend time in the web during the day and rarely leaves voluntarily. She tends to hang upside down in the web, which exposes her hourglass marking that serves as a warning to predators. When prey gets caught in the web, she will wrap it in silk, then inject it with her venom to kill it. If a female has egg sacs in her web, she will stand guard against predators and is more likely to attack at that time.

What Does a Black Widow Spider Look Like

The black widow spider has eight legs and eight eyes. The eye configuration is unique to them. Their abdomen has two triangles shaped like an hourglass and legs have three claws. Females are larger than the males.
Like all spiders, black widows have eight legs and no antennae or wings. Their bodies consist of two sections-the cephalothorax, which is the head and thorax together, and the abdomen. These two sections are connected by a tiny waist, called a pedicel.
Black widows also have eight eyes, with four of them being quite unique-on either side of their head, they have two eyes that are very close together and almost touch. The remaining four eyes are in the center, two in front and two behind. There is no other species of spider with this exact eye formation.
Black widow spiders' legs have three small claws on them, and their back pair of legs is covered with bristles. Their other characteristics vary by gender.
The female black widow is about half an inch in body length and reaches about 1-1/2″ including its legs. Her abdomen is large, shiny, and very rounded, almost a perfect sphere. Normally, the female's abdomen measures about ¼” in diameter, but it can be larger if she is carrying eggs.
The females usually look black or brownish-black in color. They have a unique marking that many people are familiar with: on the underside of the abdomen, the female bears two triangle shapes that look like an hourglass. These can vary in color from golden to orange to red. Sometimes these triangle shapes do not touch, and other times, there may only be one triangle-type marking.
Male black widows are considerably smaller than the females, about half their size, but have longer legs. The abdomen on a male looks more elongated and not as round a female's. They are sometimes lighter in color and have patterns or markings on the dorsal side of their abdomen, usually spots and lines that branch out to the sides. Young black widow spiders of both sexes look like adult males.

Black Widow Spider Eggs

     Black widow spiders typically lay eggs during the spring and summer months. These eggs hatch after about a month, releasing hundreds of spiderlings. However, many of these spiderlings will eat each other early on.
A black widow female generally lays eggs during the spring and summer months. In order to lay her eggs, she will construct whitish-colored, silky egg sacs, which are tightly woven and strong. These are usually rounded or pear-shaped. After a short time, the sacs will turn from white to tan. After constructing a sac, which takes a female a couple of hours, she will deposit anywhere from 25 to 250 eggs in it.
The egg sacs are suspended from the spider's web, which is located in dark, undisturbed areas like woodpiles, under rocks, or in outbuildings like sheds. The female fiercely guards her eggs and is more likely to attack a perceived predator during this time.
The spiders will emerge from the egg sac after about a month. These newly hatched spiders are called spiderlings. Because the egg sac may contain hundreds of eggs, hundreds of spiderlings will hatch, however, many of these will not survive because black widow spiders will eat one another in the early stage of their life.
A female black widow is able to store sperm after mating and is therefore able to lay more eggs without mating again.

Life Cycle of Black Widow Spider

     The life cycle of a black widow spider begins when it hatches from an egg as a spiderling. Premature black widows are lighter in color and also do no have a dangerous bite. Adults are dark black and have potent venom.
A black widow spider's life cycle begins as an egg, which is laid by the female in a silky egg sac that she creates. A female may deposit as many as 250 eggs in one sac and will create several of them. Once she lays her eggs, she then stands guard and is more likely to attack during this time.
The young spiders, called spiderlings, will hatch in about a month. Spiderlings molt, or shed their skin, one time inside the sac, then several more times before they fully mature.
The spiderlings initially stay near the sac, but after a few days will climb up to a high area where there is air flow. They will spin silk threads in order to float in the air, which allows them to disperse to a wider area. The lifecycle of a black widow spider, from egg to adult-takes close to one year.
Young spiders are lighter in color than adults, usually whitish or yellow, but as they mature, they become darker. The pattern on the young spiders of both sexes resembles that of the adult male. They also tend to have one or two reddish spots on the underside of the abdomen. Immature black widow spiders do not have a dangerous bite. It is only the bite of the adult female that is harmful to humans.

Black Widow Spider Venom

     Black widow spider venom contains neurotoxins which attack a victims nervous system. Death is rare in most cases because such a small amount of venom is injected. Immediate medical attention should still be sought out.
The venom of the black widow spider contains toxins that affect a person's nervous system. These are known as neurotoxins. The black widow is said to be the most venomous spider in North America. However, a very small amount of venom is usually injected when a person is bitten, so the bite rarely results in death.
The venom of the black widow travels through a person's bloodstream and then begins to affect the nervous system. This causes different levels of pain in different people. Some victims describe very intense pain following a bite.
Unlike the brown recluse, which is another very dangerous spider, the venom of a black widow does not result in extensive tissue damage at the bite location.
One person's sensitivity to a black widow bite can be different from another's. Black widow bites are rarely fatal if they are treated promptly. Bites are more threatening to the very young and very old, as well as those with high blood pressure or poor physical health.
There is an anti-venom used for black widow bites. If you are bitten, immediately seek medical attention and take the spider along for identification, if possible.

Black Widow Spider Danger

     Only the adult female black widow spider poses a danger to humans. bites are very treatable, but can cause severe issues if left untreated. Generally, these are timid spiders who look for areas where they won’t be disturbed.
It is only the bite of the adult female black widow spider, not the male, which poses any danger to humans. Although the female is generally timid, she will attack if she is protecting her eggs or if she is disturbed.
Black widows lurk in areas where they are less likely to be bothered. Outdoors, this includes piles of firewood, under decks, or in sheds or tree houses. Indoors, they may be found in basements, garages, or cluttered areas where they are likely to find insects to feed on. It is advisable to exercise caution in these places to avoid danger.
The bite of a black widow feels like a needle puncture in the skin, but sometimes, a victim may not feel anything at all. However, pain usually sets in pretty quickly and can last up to 48 hours. A person may observe two small red dots where the spider's fangs entered the skin. Other symptoms may include cramping, nausea, fever, sweating, or in extreme cases, paralysis.
People's reactions to black widow bites can vary, depending on their sensitivity, the location of the bite, or the amount of venom injected. However, if treated promptly, black widow bites are rarely fatal. Bites are more dangerous for the very young and very old, as well as those with high blood pressure.
Fortunately, there is an anti-venom available for black widow bites. If you or another person is bitten, immediately see a doctor or visit the emergency room. If possible, take the spider along for identification, even if it is not fully intact.

Northern Black Widow Spider

     The northern black widow spider is not significantly different than other species apart from a few minor markings and colorations. They are rarely encountered indoors and prefer firewood, stumps, and vegetation.
Another species of widow spider is the northern black widow. It is found in the same areas as the black widow (the warmer regions of the U.S., along the eastern seaboard to Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas). However, the northern widow is also found in the northern part of the United States and in Canada. This species is more common in the northern United States, as the name implies, but these spiders can sometimes be carried by travelers or shipments to areas where they are less common.
The female northern black widow is also blackish in color and bears the red hourglass marking on its abdomen. The two triangular shapes that make up the hourglass figure are generally not touching. The spot nearest the rear, or posterior, end of the spider is more triangular in shape and the other spot is more rounded. The back, or dorsal, side of this spider has a row of red spots and sometimes diagonal white lines out to the sides as well. Some northern black widows are more brownish in color, have whitish/yellow hourglass markings and red legs.
This species of spider is rarely found indoors, but may sometimes get carried in, such as on firewood, for example. Outdoors, they prefer sparse vegetation, firewood, stumps, hollow logs, and the like.

Female Black Widow Spiders

The female black widow spider is a danger to humans. She’s larger than a male and has an hourglass marking on her abdomen. Her bite can cause severe reactions dependant upon location and the amount of venom injected.
The body (both the cephalothorax and abdomen) of an adult female black widow is about 0.5″. The abdomen is very rounded, shiny and large, about ¼” in diameter. It can even be as large as 0.5″ if the female is carrying eggs. Overall, including its legs, a female black widow is about 1-0.5 to 1-3/8 inches long. Males are approximately half the size of the females.
These spiders are usually black in color, and on the underside of their abdomen, they have two unique triangle-shaped markings that form an hourglass. These markings can vary from yellowish or orange to reddish in color. Sometimes there is only one triangle-type marking. Females may also have red spots along their backs.
It is the bite of only the female black widow that is worrisome. Her venom can be harmful to people, whereas a male black widow is not considered a threat to humans. If bitten, a person may or may not actually feel the fangs puncture the skin, but generally will feel pain fairly quickly afterward. The victim may notice two tiny red spots where the fangs entered the skin.
People's reaction to black widow bites varies depending on the location of the bite, the amount of venom injected, and that particular person's sensitivity. Symptoms can include nausea, fever, sweating, labored breathing, or tremors. If treated, black widow bites are rarely fatal, and there is an anti-venom available for these bites.
Females construct an irregular web to catch prey. This looks like a mess of random threads with no recognizable pattern and is usually found near ground level. The female mostly stays in the web, retreating to one side or the center, and often hangs upside down allowing potential victims to recognize her hourglass marking. The spider's prey consists of insects, such as roaches or beetles.
The females create eggs sacs and will deposit up to 250 eggs in one. The sacs are whitish initially, but will soon turn to a tan color. They are silky, tightly woven and quite tough. Although the females are generally withdrawn, they can be aggressive when protecting their eggs. After the young spiders hatch, the females have little involvement.

What is the Black Widow Spider Named After?

     The black widow spider was believed to eat its male partner after or even during mating. This is a rare occurrence however, as most males escape unharmed following the mating process.
The black widow received its name because it was believed that females would eat males after mating, but actually, this is very rare. In most cases, males are able to escape without harm after mating.
A male black widow will recognize a female because of the pheromones in her web. He will enter the web and begin rearranging it while vibrating his abdomen to get the female's attention. This technique puts her in a trance-like state, and the male will attempt to mate. If he is unsuccessful, he will go back to rearranging the web and try again.
In a rare case, if the female does choose to attack, the male is most vulnerable during the mating phase because he has to remove his pedipalps from the female before attempting to escape.Posted in Get Rid of Black Widow Spiders | No Comments »

Black Widow Spider Facts

     Female black widow spiders rarely kill males after mating. They are quite timid unless protecting eggs. Only adult females are a danger to humans. They spin webs to capture food. Males are about half the size of females.
Black widow spiders are one of five types of widow spiders found in the United States. The black widow is most commonly found in the warmer parts of the United States. It can also be found along the east coast from Massachusetts to Florida and westward from there to Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
There are a couple of interesting black widow spider facts that may surprise you. For instance, black widow spiders are usually timid and do not aggressively attack unless they have just laid their eggs or are guarding them. Also, contrary to popular belief, the female black widow rarely kills the male after mating. The spider received its name because that was believed to be true in years past.
People are generally fearful of the black widow because of the fact that it is one of the few spiders that pose a threat to humans. The bite of the adult female black widow is of concern, but young black widows and adult males are harmless. Although the black widow is considered to be the most venomous spider in North America, the female injects a rather small amount of venom into its victim, so its bite is rarely fatal to humans.
The female black widow has a distinctive large, shiny, and very rounded abdomen. She is black in color and bears a unique marking on the underside of her abdomen that resembles an hourglass and is usually red, orange, or yellowish in color.
The male black widow is about half the size of the female and can be lighter in color. The males are usually more colorfully patterned, with spots and lines on their dorsal side. In fact, many people would probably not realize that they have seen a black widow when encountering a male because it looks quite different than the female with her well-known and unique design.
Black widows do not hunt for prey, but spin webs to catch it. These are usually found near ground level in secluded areas, such as under rocks, boards, hollow logs, or behind bushes. The black widow mostly feeds on insects.

Male Black Widow Spiders

     Male black widow spiders are smaller and also lack the red hourglass marking that the females have. Males are attracted to female’s webs where they vibrate the web, putting the female in a trance to initiate mating.
Male black widow spiders are quite a bit smaller than females, usually about half their size, but they have longer legs. The male measures approximately ¼” in body length. The male's abdomen is more elongated and is not large and rounded like the female's.
The females are well known because of their black color and unique hourglass marking. The males are sometimes lighter in color, but exhibit more colorful patterns than the female. They have streaks on their abdomens and patterns on their backs, usually spots and lines that branch out to the sides.
A male black widow will recognize a female by the pheromones in her web. He will use a vibration technique to put her in somewhat of a trance and attempt to mate. Contrary to popular belief, females rarely eat males after mating.
The bite of the male black widow is not harmful to people, unlike the bite of the female. Once a male reaches maturity, his venom sac is not functional. The juveniles are also harmless and, whether male or female, resemble an adult male in appearance. They are light yellow or whitish in color when they first hatch. As they get older, they become darker in color.

Characteristics of Black Widow Spiders

     The black widow spider follows basic spider biology. Females have an hourglass shape on their abdomens and a dangerous bite for humans. They spin webs to catch prey. These spiders prefer to live in cluttered, secluded areas.
Black widow spiders exhibit typical characteristics of spiders-eight legs, no wings, no antennae, and like most spiders, eight eyes. Their other physical characteristics vary depending on whether they are male or female.
Of the two genders, the female black widow is the one that most people probably recognize. They are usually black in color with a characteristic large, shiny, and very rounded abdomen. They have unique hourglass-shaped markings on the underside of their abdomens. These can vary in color from yellowish to orange to red.
Male black widows are about half the size of the female. They are sometimes lighter in color and have patterns or markings on the dorsal side of their abdomen, usually spots and lines that branch out to the sides. Young black widow spiders of both sexes resemble adult males.
Many people fear black widow spiders because of their dangerous bite. It is the bite of only the adult female black widow that is harmful to humans. People's reactions to black widow bites can vary, depending on such factors as his/her sensitivity, the amount of venom injected, and the location of the bite. If treated, black widow bites are rarely fatal and rarely cause serious long-term problems.
Instead of hunting their prey, black widow spiders spin webs to trap it. They eat a variety of insects such as beetles and cockroaches. These webs are an irregular mass of fibers with no obvious pattern. The webs are, on average, about a foot in diameter and have a small spot in the middle where the spiders wait for prey. A web is usually situated near the ground in a dark, sheltered location.
Outside, black widows tend to live in protected areas, such in tree stumps, under rocks, decks, or in woodpiles. They also prefer the shelter of outbuildings like sheds, tree houses, or barns.
Indoors, black widows prefer undisturbed parts of homes, such as garages, basements, or crawl spaces. They like cluttered areas because they can find more insects to eat.
Black widow spiders are more commonly found in the warmer parts of the United States. They can be found along the entire eastern seaboard and westward to Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma.  They are regularly found in garages, attics, laundry rooms, basements & crawl spaces right here in the local Tulsa, Oklahoma metro area.  

EnviroTech Exterminating (918) 282-7621 Serves:
  • Broken Arrow 
  • Tulsa 
  • Jenks
  • Owasso
  • Sapulpa
  • Sand Springs 
  • Glenpool
  • Haskell
  • Wagoner 
  • Muskogee 
  • Catoosa
  • Bixby 
  • Coweta 
  • And cities within 50 miles of Tulsa
We are here to help with your spider problems.  Brown Recluse, Black Widow, We can help your family, home or business to make it safe from these pests.  You can count on EnviroTech Exterminating of Broken Arrow, OK.

If you have a need for Pest Control Services, Please call EnviroTech Exterminating Immediately at (918) 282-7621.   

This article brought to you by EnviroTech Exterminating, Inc.  All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

EnviroTech Exterminating: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Pest Control Services

EnviroTech Exterminating
(918) 282-7621
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EnviroTech Features Eco-Friendly Pest Control Products

EnviroTech Is: "Professional Local Service - Green As You Want To Be"

Professional Pest Control Services for the local Broken Arrow & Tulsa Metro area of Oklahoma.

  • All General Pests
  • Fleas
  • Bed Bugs
  • Cockroaches
  • Spiders: Brown Recluse, Black Widow
  • Crickets
  • Ants
  • Nuisance Wildlife
  • Squirrels
  • Rodents
  • Opossum
  • Raccoons
  • More
EnviroTech Exterminating also services the local area's of Muskogee, Glenpool, Haskell, Wagoner, Coweta, Mounds, Beggs, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso and Jenks.

Why Choose EnviroTech Exterminating? 

  1. Locally Owned & Operated
  2. Fast, Friendly Service
  3. Professional & Knowledgeable 
  4. Competitive Pricing: Great Value
  5. Eco-Friendly Pest Control Treatment Options
  6. Conventional Pest Control Treatment Options
  7. Pest Control Services That Work
  8. EnviroTech Exterminating Values Your Business
  9. Licensed & Insured
  10. The List Goes On & On
Call Today 

(918) 282-7621

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Organic / Green Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

EnviroTech Exterminating      
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma                  
Phone: (918) 282-7621 

Pest control has evolved.
 It used to be if you had a pest problem you called an exterminator and they would treat the situation with pesticides, chemicals and other earth-harming products to eliminate pests
but with evolution comes understanding. EnviroTech Exterminating understands that treating our landscape with hazardous chemicals is not only unsafe for the environment, it is also potentially unhealthy. That's why EnviroTech offers our clients Organic / Green pest control.
EnviroTech stands for a GREENER and safer approach to integrated pest management (IPM). Not just greener, but UNIQUELY GREEN.
EnviroTech's systematic approach to managing pests incorporates all reasonable measures to prevent pest problems by properly identifying pests, monitoring population dynamics, and utilizing cultural, physical, biological or other non-chemical pest population management methods to reduce pests. Use of growth inhibitors and pheromones is a very effective tool that EnviroTech uses.
Our GREEN IPM is a methodical strategy for managing pests focusing on long-term prevention or suppression with minimal impact on human health, the environment and non-target organisms. In addition to our other IPM tactics, our approach emphasizes prevention, avoidance, monitoring and suppression. Consequently, we maximize public safety and reduce environmental risk with our eco-friendly pest control system.  If you are in need of Pest Control and would prefer to utilize an approach using pheromones and growth inhibitors rather than conventional poisons contact Envirotech Exterminating today.  We can be reached at (918) 282-7621 or on the web at:

EnviroTech’s green approach to pest management handles a wide variety of pests. Below is a sample of pests that we can help remove for you.
  • Cockroaches
  • Stored Product Pests
  • Fleas and Ticks
  • Fabric Insects
    • Clothes Moths
    • Carpet Beetles
  • Termites and other Wood Destroying Insects
  • Occasional Invaders and Miscellaneous Indoor Pests
    • Ants and Spiders (including black widows and brown recluse)
    • Bed Bugs
    • Scorpions
    • Dust Mites, Bird Mites, Clover Mites
    • Miller Moths & Boxelder Bugs
    • Earwigs, Centipedes, Millipedes & Crickets
    • Bees, Wasps, Flies & Gnats
  • Rats, Mice and other Vertebrate Pests (including bats)
  • Nuisance Wildlife (Squirrels, Raccoons, Opossum - Possums) 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Brown Recluse Spiders: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Pest Control with EnviroTech Exterminating 918-282-7621

EnviroTech Exterminating
Broken Arrow, OK 74011

Brown Recluse Spiders:

The Brown recluse spider coexisting with humans can be dangerous.  They are very common in Oklahoma and can be found in large numbers in your Broken Arrow and or Tulsa area home.  They do cause serious problems if you are bitten and require immediate medical attention.

This spider lives in dark corners and places inside houses and also under furniture, boxes and books.
It has a rather shy and non-aggressive behavior, although occasionally the Brown Recluse Spider bites humans because they share the same habitat.     

Bites only occur when the spider is disturbed, accidentally touched, and when putting on seldom used clothing and shoes where the Brown Recluse Spider has decided to live. 
Its web is made of a loose and irregular yet very sticky thread. It is only built as a daytime retreat and as an egg holder.

Brown Recluse Spiders can survive six months without food or water, hidden in their lairs during daytime and roaming at night.

This arachnid prefers undisturbed places, so the Brown Recluse Spider usually bites humans when it is caught between a part of the body and another surface, for example, when children are playing under house furniture such as beds and tables or in the garage. Bites also happen while a person who is sleeping suddenly rolls in a bed where the Brown Recluse Spider has climbed, or when dressing with clothes or shoes where the spider has hidden itself.


Like all arachnids, this type is also formed by a cephalothoraxes connecting the 4 pairs of legs and the abdomen. The Brown Recluse is usually found to be no larger than a penny. 



Adult brown recluse spiders often live about one to two years. Each female produces several egg sacs over a period of two to three months, from May to July, with approximately 50 eggs in each sac. The eggs hatch in about one month. The spiderlings take about one year to grow to adulthood. The brown recluse spider is resilient and can tolerate up to 6 months of extreme drought and scarcity or absence of food, most notably observed on one occasion to survive in controlled captivity for over five seasons without food.

 Contact Us:

If you have a Brown Recluse Spider Problem and live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and/or Tulsa Metro area then you need to contact EnviroTech Exterminating immediately.  Call us today for professional pest control services.  We can be reached at 918-282-7621 or visit our website at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Broken Arrow Pest Control, Bed Bugs

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma is home to many pests including the recent outbreak of Bed Bugs.  Here is a great article on Bed Bugs and some of the methods they use to infest your home or place of business.  If you have a Bed Bug problem, contact EnviroTech Exterminating at 918-282-7621 today.  The sooner treatment begins fighting these pests the better the results will be.  Visit us online at

Bed Bugs

Infestations of Bed Bugs are up 5000 percent as are the number of reported attacks! The nightmare begins when a Bed Bug finds its way into your clothing; it usually happens at a hotel but can start anywhere.
Hospitals, businesses, homes, buses, apartments and hotels are just a few places where bed bugs are being reported. It is said that bed bugs don't transmit disease from feeding on your blood; however, an engorged bedbug can burst at the slightest bit of pressure exposing you to human blood. If that blood is infected, then you run a risk of infection as well.

A few simple precautions can prevent the nightmare from ever happening. We provide you with information to help determine if you have bed bugs, pictures of Bed Bug bites (from people around the world), how to deal with infestations and most important, how to protect yourself during travel!
Bed Bugs on mattress with eggs and feces
Bed Bug Infested Mattress

Finding bed bugs in your home has nothing to do with poor hygiene! It takes only one bed bug to hitch a ride on your clothing (furniture, suitcase, etc) and infest your residence. What's worse is that they can live up to one year without drinking a drop of your blood. Feeding takes about 10 to 15 minutes for adults and less for the nymphs; they feed about every three days. Depending on the conditions, bed bug nymphs can survive for months without feeding.

Bed Bugs are insects, more specifically, 'True Bugs', which have piercing mouthparts that in most species are used for feeding on plants. Unfortunately, there are some species of bugs with mouthparts that have been adapted to feed on human blood while inflicting very little pain (most never feel the blood feeding).

Bed Bugs and their lifecycle
Bed Bug Lifecycle

The eggs are white and about 1mm long. The nymphs look like adults but are smaller. Complete development from egg to adult takes from four weeks to several months depending on the temperature and amount of feed available, see the lifecycle chart above.

How do you know if you have bed bugs?
Bed bugs did this to Ross' arm
Bed Bugs attack arm!

Bed bug bites are the best way to determine if you have bedbugs. In the photo above you'll see a visitor of a hotel who was bitten by bedbugs; he itched throughout the night and when he went in to check, this is what he found!
Although the image is a severe reaction, you may find that your bites are not this bad; not everyone reacts the same to bites. The grouping is a good sign and you should start checking for mold like spots on your mattress.
If you have such a reaction, check with your doctor who may recommend an antihistamine or topical cream to relieve any itching and or burning. Do not scratch the bites as this may lead to infection!
If you suspect you have an infestation, you should contact a licensed exterminator. EnviroTech Exterminating Inc, of Broken Arrow can help.  Call 918-282-7621 or visit them online at You can try to do it yourself using the tips found here, but your odds are a lot better letting a licensed professional handle it.

Here are the facts about Bed Bugs:

  • Bed Bugs are flat, brown, wingless and about 1/4 of an inch
  • They have 6 legs, shiny reddish-brown but after a good serving of your blood, they appear dark brown and swollen as in the picture below.
  • They can be seen with the human eye, but do a great job at hiding
  • Bed bugs are not known to carry diseases as of yet
  • They feed on human blood preferring to do it in the dark when you're sleeping
  • Simply using chemical treatments will not remove the infestation
  • These bugs love to hide in the seams of your mattress including:
  • Sofa seams
  • Cracks in the bad frame and or head board
  • Under chairs, couched, beds and dust covers
  • Under rugs, edges of carpets, drawers, baseboards and window casings
  • Behind light switches, electrical outlet plates, cracks in plaster
  • Televisions, radio clocks and phones
  • Backpacks, Sleeping bags, Cloths
  • Behind wallpaper, picture frames and other dark areas

Quick tips to help remove bed bugs

The best way to deal with bed bugs is by sealing your mattress and pillows with a plastic or hypoallergenic zipped cover. This traps the bugs that are inside your pillow and prevents them from feeding and kills them over time - remember, a nymph can live for two months without feeding, an adult can survive more than 12 months!
Do not apply any pesticide to mattresses or surfaces that would come in contact with the skin unless the pesticide specifically states that the product can be used in this manner.
Wash all your linens and place them in a hot dryer for 20 minutes (or you can freeze them at -5 C or below for five days).
You can vacuum to capture bed bugs and their eggs, but because the eggs are embedded to the fabric, you may have to scrape the surface. Once you have vacuumed everything, immediately place the vacuum bag into a plastic bad, seal it tight and dispose (outside).
Seal items mentioned above to prevent the bugs from hiding. You can place glue boards or sticky tape around your bed and in the room to catch the bed bugs as the move around; this gives you a way to monitor the effectiveness of your efforts.

A few ways to prevent bed bugs from getting into your home include:
* Hang clothing in the closet farthest from the bed
* Place luggage on the folding rack found in most hotels
* Place luggage in the dry cleaning bag found in the hotel.
* Most important, don't bring home a mattress that has been used by unknown sources.

Bed Bugs are a serious problem and they are only getting worse.  If you need help with a Bed Bug Infestation call EnviroTech Exterminating today at 918-282-7621.  Visit EnviroTech online at

EnviroTech Exterminating Inc, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.